The Eclectic Reader Challenge 2012

 The Eclectic Reader Challenge 2012 is hosted by the lovely Shelleyrae over @ Book'd Out. I'm an avid follower of her blog and can thank her for opening my eyes to many different books and genres that I haven't read before. Thank you for introducing me to the humour-crime genre- I love Janet Evanovich and Marianne Delacourt!Anyway, to sign up just create a blog post or a folder on Goodreads and post the link on the Challenge sign-up page.There are 12 genres to read at least one title from each during the next 12 months.What is extra exciting is the prizes! All participants that complete the challenge by December 31st 2012 will be eligible to win a book of their choice to the value of $15AUD from or a $10US Amazon gift card or paypal funds of  US$10 to be drawn via Jan  2013.My Pledge: (updated 30/12/12)

I think the hardest for me will be reading a horror novel...they freak me out! If anyone can recommend a title that isn't going to give me nightmares and perhaps has a romance element to it that would be fantastic!


Feature & Follow Friday #22


Australian Women Writer's Challenge 2012