Want to sign up to my monthly newsletter? Here's how...
This has been in the making for quite some time (and when I say in the making, I mean I've been thinking about it, planning it and procrastinating the actual start date for the past five months) and i'm very excited to finally launch my monthly newsletter.
Why sign up?
The newsletter will contain:
- Updates on my personal writing journey and pursuit to publication
- Reading highlights: I don't manage to post reviews on my blog for everything I read these days but I still love to chat about the books I've fallen in love with :-)
- Interesting links I've found on the web related to writing, reading, psychology and parenthood (and anything else that catches my attention)
- A Bookish inspired giveaway exclusive to subscribers. Each month I'll give away a literary item from my Etsy Store, Bookish Gifts. In May I will be giving away a literary tote bag (Australian residents only).
When will you hear from me?
The newsletter will be sent directly to you once a month. The first one will hit your inbox in the next few days.
Want to sign up?
Simply click on the image below and sign up using your email address.Please note: If you're already a subscriber to my blog and you'd like to receive my newsletter too, then you'll need to subscribe again, using the link below.