NaNoWriMo 2014 Week #1
Phew! I've survived the first seven days of NaNoWriMo. I started strong, meeting my daily word limit (1667 words) each day and then hit a slump mid week. Work has been terribly exhausting, and I just couldn't face coming home and staring at my laptop for several more hours. Thankfully, I put in a big effort today, smashing out 3824 words. So now I'm slightly ahead of the required word limit at a total of 11,846 words.There's a long way to go, but I'm feeling pretty confident about where my story's heading at this point. My attempt to plot out most of the chapters for the novel, has really helped me stay focused this year!I may be feeling a little ambitious, but I hope to write and post a book review in the next couple of days too.Word Count= 11,846 words